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Illegal Program Suspension and Announcement 09.25.24


Sep 25th, 2024

Hello Pioneers, 


Upon receiving the Illegal Program-related reports, we focused our investigation on finding a clear pattern between the reported accounts and using it to provide a basis for taking quick action against them. We apologize for taking some time during this process.


As a result of the work above, we were able to identify among the group of accounts. As a start, we have banned the following group of accounts that used illegal programs. We would like to inform that these accounts are permanently suspended. This list below is a part of the total restricted 1,095 accounts.




Once again, we apologize that the inconvenience took so long and look forward to your kind cooperation in Granado Espada.


Thank you,


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Winter Sofia Enriquez im not using illegal program and still i got banned will you please spicify what illegal program did we use so we can avoid using it and avoid this kind of accidents hoping for your reconsideration about this matter September 25 at 11:15AM

Duy Võ that a good question but they will never answer you, coz if they answer you that mean they can't ban more September 25 at 11:22AM

Minh Thai When u said havent use illegal program ,next time they will give u "specified reason " ban hammer :)). September 25 at 11:51AM

A rice I didn’t use illegal programs to play too, but I was banned anyway. September 25 at 5:25PM

anh viet What again ?? what's the reason is ?? can you give a detail awnser on web ? why u bann ppls without give any reason ? just bann ??? September 25 at 11:21AM

Duy Võ random ban thôi anh bạn à, nếu chơi tiếp thì tập làm quen đi là vừa September 25 at 11:24AM

Minh Thai This comment has been deleted.

Gigi Nguyen Admin check again, i don't use illegal program . i play game normal. September 25 at 11:28AM

Mali Gaya we focused our investigation on finding a clear pattern between the reported accounts and using it to provide a basis for taking quick action against them.  what bs is this.. been doing questing and event and ended with ban? what a joke. what about the others that is not reported? close the server September 25 at 11:28AM

rareone walker  im not using illegal program and still i got banned will you please spicify what illegal program did we use so we can avoid using it and avoid this kind of accidents hoping for your reconsideration about this matter September 25 at 11:30AM

Rowell Querol More please until no one will play :) September 25 at 11:44AM

Duy Võ don't worry they will never stop until no1 play September 25 at 11:46AM

Trung Nguyen thanh Please. I only  play game 1 Acc / 1 PC,  why did you ban me ? September 25 at 11:46AM

Николай Романов Почему меня забанили? Я за всю историю игры ни разу не пользовался сторонними программами!!! September 25 at 11:47AM

Val She Botter's cry, someone not for first time, yeah, Winter Sofia Enriquez ? September 25 at 11:48AM

BFG87 welcome to granado espada thailand * exp everyday ^^ but need phone number for register September 25 at 11:51AM

Opa Op IMC work ridiculous, i play a lot acc but don 't illegal program why my accounts not log in game? September 25 at 11:52AM

Winter Sofia Enriquez if you will not tell the specific reason players will make the same mistake over and over again so please bw specific September 25 at 11:54AM

Duy Võ dont try man, u knew it useless September 25 at 11:57AM

Opa Op i play this game 4 years i play game normal never use 3 rd party software. i just play the game normally September 25 at 12:06PM

Opa Op support ticket erro report [ return fail] September 25 at 12:31PM

Вадим Громов I got the same [return fail] error. What should we do then??? September 26 at 12:48AM


lnwsonic SkyLine What happened. Why am I banned even though I play normally and my family name is not in the ID ban list. September 25 at 5:19PM

Mark Raymond Porras I too got banned even though I am not using any external software that affects GE. I am always playing solo and only have 1 account. I first played last year in ESPADA server then transfer this year to FERRUCCIO server because it is livelier. September 25 at 5:24PM

Izen Chai What's the banned for this wave for no reason too ? Been playing this since last year and now got banned for no reason September 25 at 5:29PM

Bxxgie Beats Stupid game spent a lot of money and time just to get banned for what reason i don't use any illegal programs i just play normal still get banned i think the game is closing down. September 25 at 5:33PM

Gravettian Studios yo what happened to my account why it got banned i just play normally tho is the game dying now? September 25 at 5:34PM

Xedric john De guia WOW why did i get banned for what fcking reason for? i just play every other day then i still get banned IMC is Closing Probably they are scamming us just to spend money on the game. September 25 at 5:36PM

Fb.absolutely brian What the hell is going on here why did i get banned for? i dont use any illegal piece of sh!t programs ? September 25 at 5:39PM

Đức Minh Bố ỉa lên bàn thờ nhà chúng m IMC ạ, chơi 1 acc cũng bị bann,Địt con mẹ IMC óc lồn September 25 at 5:50PM

Leonard Ng bunch of idiots who simply ban innocent player September 25 at 7:04PM my god IMC i was play this game for over 4 year and never try use any Auto or BOT but you still ban my acc September 25 at 7:14PM

A rice The account I played with a long time ago was also banned just because I haven’t played in it for a long time. I don’t know why IMC banned it randomly. September 25 at 7:27PM

A rice I'm tired after my second account was banned again for today's maintenance. If the account can't be restored this time, then I won't continue to waste time on this game. September 25 at 8:08PM

lnwsonic SkyLine Me too. i comeback to play 4 days ago. i don't know why my id has banned. September 25 at 10:30PM

A rice I don’t know what reasons the IMC gave for banning it. And it’s strange to ban players without seeing any warning. September 25 at 11:50PM

Christian jay Gefes how can we unban our account? cannot even send ticket? I have played this game for several years already, and have never used any illegal programs September 25 at 7:54PM

Stanley Wong This comment has been deleted.

Evanhiem Toranon Been playing GE on and off since 2008. It is the fourth server I played in. Never used cheat or other 3rd party software and I got banned for no reason. They need to check the reason behind and unban the innocent players.  September 25 at 8:59PM

Maxine Blair Ibal This comment has been deleted.

shinji hello. cannot even send ticket to ask what is happening? error sending. anyone else have this issue? September 25 at 9:21PM

Trung Nguyen thanh game lose okay September 25 at 9:35PM

The Sith this to sad that all my effort and time to put this game to make level up and enjoy playing other family but it to sad i got ban. I hope this will restore. September 25 at 9:44PM

Dahilan Quierson Lowell Tupas This comment has been deleted.


Антон Чебышев After updating the game on 09/24/2024, the account was blocked. The third-party software has never been used. The account has been blocked unreasonably. Sending a ticket does not give September 25 at 11:38PM

remark alcaraz i just got back months ago and i never use illegal program i only plays GE after my work then i got banned for using illegal program what is the illegal program? granado espada itself? September 25 at 11:50PM

Axcel Salonga happy quitting, everyone! September 26 at 1:31AM

Kanitsorn Thanee This comment has been deleted.

junpingping momomo Could you tell me please for clear how many accounts are allowed to online per ip. or be flexible one ip to how much. I think it impossible for one player to play one accounts. Because Daily mission can't pass if don't have team buff for myself. Is it possible? Can you be flexible one ip to 3-6 accounts? September 26 at 2:03AM

M K Same here, got banned without reason. Never used bots or VPN. Submitting a ticket don't work either. September 26 at 7:21AM I think, they just click ban random. New algorithm - how lucky u are????? September 26 at 9:42AM

lnwsonic SkyLine This comment has been deleted.

hinghi Nguyen Admin check again, i don't use illegal program . i play game normal September 26 at 11:16AM

Ismail Inash Haneef This comment has been deleted.

michael valencia This comment has been deleted.

Николай Романов Ооо разьанили September 26 at 12:13PM

Ismail Inash Haneef This comment has been deleted.