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Scheduled Maintenance for March 29, 2023


Mar 29th, 2023

Hello, imcGAMES here.

We would like to announce the details of the maintenance scheduled for March 29, 2023. Make sure to check below for the schedule and patch notes.




- [SGT] 13:00 to 15:00 (March 29, 2023)
- [EST] 00:00 to 02:00 (March 29, 2023)
- [CET] 06:00 to 08:00 (March 29, 2023)

Patch Notes




 > Lyndon Box now available for purchase!
  - The Lyndon Box will be available at the in-game Cash Shop from the scheduled maintenance on March 29 to April 12.
  - You can check the details about the box and how to purchase it from the following LINK!




> New Character
- Angelic

> New Stance
 - Atalante

> Collection Character Summon Stone
 - Ellie, Ellie Craig


> The stat of Dio Elfides is adjusted:

Name Dio Elfides Item Type Artifact
Information Artifact applied to those who used to be outstanding judges. It carries the power of Seraph.
Common Stat Penetration +8, All Stat +3
Exclusive Stat [Judith, Empyrium Judith] Strength +5
[Angelic] DEX +3, IMM+3


> The stats of the following accessories will be adjusted.

Evil's Brooch
Constant Additional Stat at +10 Enhancement
Intelligence +12
All Damage received -10%
HP +10,000
Penetration +12


Sheol's Mixed Necklace
Constant Additional Stat at +10 Enhancement
HP +5,000
All Stats +5
All Damage received -10%
HP +10,000
Penetration +12
Immunity +6


Ruincruger's Strong Belt
Constant Additional Stat at +10 Enhancement
HP +10,000
Constitution +15
Immunity +15
HP +10,000
Immunity +12


Gerero's Power Gloves
Constant Additional Stat at +10 Enhancement
HP +6,000
Strength +12
Penetration +9
Attack Speed -20
SP +1200
Immunity +12


Ogsef's Dark Gloves
Constant Additional Stat at +10 Enhancement
HP +5,000
Agility +14
Penetration +7
SP +1,200
Immunity +12


Divino's Hard Leather Boots
Constant Additional Stat at +10 Enhancement
HP +7,500
Agility +14
Immunity +5
HP +5,000
Skill Damage received -10%


Queeny Tula's Blood Boots
Constant Additional Stat at +10 Enhancement
HP +7,500
Dexterity +12
Immunity +5
HP +5,000
Skill Damage received -10%


> Burlon point no longer increases when "Forced Attacking" other families in "Camellia Teia" and "Bristia Scar".





 > 2023 Lhote and the Capybaras event will end.
  - Following contents will be deleted:
   * NPC (Reboldoeux)
    - Lhote   
   * Item
    - Lhote's Fresh Cold Pirate Rum
    - Lhote's Sweet Viking Mead
    - Lhote's Doll





 > System Maintenance
  - We will be performing general maintenance on our internal servers and system.

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Indubitabil Burlon points should not increase also in Bristia Scar , where someone is using over 2O alt accounts in there , auto boting and auto relog on death : day and night , on ESPADA server !!! ... nobody else can stay in there becasue this guy will kill them all the time , abusing on that ,also he is getting big amount of feso and items accesories from there ,only for himself !!! March 28 at 4:56PM

Gravettian Studios This comment has been deleted.

Nguyễn Ben pls add the crafting event for Xbow too March 28 at 5:07PM

Gravettian Studios >IMC !  - Burlon point no longer increases when "Forced Attacking" other families in "Camellia Teia".  + Please include " Brsitia Scars " as well it will a generous appreciation frm us.... March 28 at 5:07PM

Fb.absolutely brian Add Brisita Scar to that FPK no increases burlon points that well be a hell of a game changer.... March 28 at 5:17PM

Bxxgie Beats > Burlon point no longer increases when "Forced Attacking" other families in "Bristia Scar". i think it is much better tho. March 28 at 5:18PM

Xedric john De guia Make that burlon free on Bristia scar map - so the extinction of bots will be ended. March 28 at 5:21PM

Mada Chv it will greatly help us to stop baron incresing points in Bristia Scar also ; only one account in there ( llllulastone ) from Magnificent faction , he use like 23 alt accounts on that map ,auto boot and he is also killing who ever tries to farm on that map ; like this ,we can fight back all of us . Thank you in advance . March 28 at 5:33PM

Log Confo Agree with all , should do something about Bristia scar , where only one guy use so many booting alts accounts in there and he doesn't even let other's to farm in peace; he is killing abuse if we go there , he own the map that " llllulastone "with all his multi accounts ( lile2 ~~lile100 ) so many alt's , : i would prefer ban him for all that abuse and cheat is sad that they don't get banned for this . March 28 at 7:08PM

Omar Martínez Hey! Where is a Xbox Event??? Dont forgot active that! I have 1 month collecting mats to craft weapons! Dont forget active event please March 28 at 8:44PM

stelios anastasiadis the right and fair thing to do is either all maps or none! excluding two maps is pure discrimination and is not fair! it means someone can go burlon mode in bristia scar, kill 20 families and not increase his burlon value. I go to viron, go burlon mode and kill 1 family and get 4500 burlon value!! this is not fair and it doesn't make any sense at all! don't discriminate between players and then do lyndon event and expect all players buy boxes. we will buy boxes if you treat us fairly and equally! Please also check the IP of all the different accounts who ask the same thing! you will possibly find out that they come from the same IP which means you will be making changes that only good for one player! please reconsider and make fair and righteous adjustments, not take the side of ONE SINGLE PLAYER! IT IS NOT RIGHT March 29 at 5:47PM

stelios anastasiadis this is not fair!!!! is discrimination and already ppl react by not buying your lyndon boxes!! make all maps new burlon system or none! the person who complains for bristia scar has 4-5 accs in shelter of resistance map and abuses the map! why he can go burlon mode to bristia scar get 0 extra points and I go burlon mode in shelter kill his 4 families and get 16k??? is not fair!! March 29 at 9:00PM

ajkta wrath who is Cryng in the commects is one person with many accounts . he is absuing Camellia Teia with all his family and now want to get free kills . this game is not fair listening to one Person request , the game system is to have Risks when trying to Force Attack other players . Either you make this new system on all maps or REMOVE IT AT ALL . this is OUTRAGOUS  March 29 at 11:23PM