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[UPDATE] Scheduled Maintenance for October 26, 2022


Oct 26th, 2022

Hello, imcGAMES here.

We would like to announce the details of the maintenance scheduled for October 26, 2022. Make sure to check below for the schedule and patch notes.




- [SGT] 13:00 to 17:30 (October 26, 2022)
- [EST] 00:00 to 04:30 (October 26, 2022)
- [CET] 06:00 to 10:30 (October 26, 2022)


Patch Notes


 > Lyndon Box now available for purchase! 
  - The Lyndon Box will be available at the in-game Cash Shop from the scheduled maintenance on October 26 to November 9.
  - You can check the details about the box and how to purchase it from the following LINK! (Link opens on 10/26)


 > Letizia Feso Gift Box Special Rewards REMOVED
  - Letizia Feso Gift Boxes will now only provide the original rewards after this scheduled maintenance.




 > New Character
  - Senior Magic Corps Dolores
  - Mistress Baselrane

> New Stance
 - Franticness
 - Serenity

> Collection Character Summon Stone
 - Rakicia



> ‘Baselrane Twin episode event - Joshua's Welcome Present’ will begin. (From 10/26 to 11/9)
 - Event quest mail will be sent when entering the town and you can proceed with the quest from NPC ‘Joshua’ at the Reboldouex Civic Center.
 - Each phase of the event can only proceed during the available period and the next quest can be received a day after completing the previous one.
 - Each reward for the total number of times cleared is stacked when clearing [Preparation] or [Test] quest and you can receive them from NPC Joshua in order within the period the reward is given.


A. Event Quest Order
[Preparation] (Day 1 ~ 5, Can be proceeded until 11/6)
- Requirement : Clear the Demonic Mission

Daily Reward
Event Soul Crystal 5
Veteran G EXP Card 20


[Test] (Day 6 ~ 10, Can be proceeded until 11/6)
- Requirement : Clear the event mission

Daily Reward
Event Soul Crystal 5
Expert G EXP Card 20
Event Enhancement Ampule Box (1MCC) 1

※ You can not start the [Test] quest before you clear the [Preparation] quest 5 times.
[Welcome Present] (11/6 ~ before the maintenance on 11/9)
- Requirement : Talk to NPC Joshua


B. Welcome Present
Gift for Loraine (Can receive from 11/6)
- You can select and obtain one of the rewards below as much as the number of times the [Preparation] quest is cleared.

*** Potion 1 of the 8 kinds of ‘Potion' consumables is given randomly.
*** Liquor 1 of the 3 kinds of ‘Liquor' consumables is given randomly.
*** Box 1 of the 7 kinds of ‘Box' consumables is given randomly.


Gift for Dolores (Can receive from 11/7)
- You can select and obtain one of the rewards below as much as the number of times [Test] quest is cleared

*** Potion 1 of the 8 kinds of ‘Potion' consumables is given randomly.
*** Liquor 1 of the 3 kinds of ‘Liquor' consumables is given randomly.
*** Box 1 of the 7 kinds of ‘Box' consumables is given randomly.


Gift for the Pioneering Family (Can receive from 11/8)
- If the number of times clearing [Preparation] and [Test] is 8 or above, you can select and receive one of the options below.
- At the 10th time cleared, an exclusive artifact ‘Mer Libre’ will be given additionally.

*** Summon Stone 1 of the 3 kinds of ‘Summon Stone' items is given randomly.
*** Box 1 of the 6 kinds of ‘Box' items is given randomly.
*** Stabilizer 1 of the 5 kinds of ‘Stabilizer' items is given randomly.

※  Welcome Presents can be received in order when received at once. (ex; If you did not receive the Gift for Loraine/Dolores until 11/8 and then decided to receive the reward, all 3 types of gifts will be given in order.)

> Below are the information on the 'Lightning Bracelet / Special Bracelet' 'Senior Magic Corps Dolores / Mistress Baselrane' uses:
 a. Ingredients required for crafting weapon is reduced by 50% (From 10/26 to 11/9)
  * Applied weapon grades:
   - 34 grade : Divine
   - 35 grade : Elite Constellation, Strata Devil
   - 36 grade : Elite Bristia, Armonia
   - 37 grade : Valeron
   - 38 grade : 5 Elemental, Abyss Arma, Deus Machina

 b. Drop rate increases in Rank Missions (From 10/26 to 11/9)
  - 35 grade : Rank4, Rank5 (Elite Constellation, Strata Devil)
  - 36 grade : Rank5 (Elite Bristia), Rank6 (Elite Bristia, Armonia)
  - 37 grade : Rank7 (Valeron)
  - 38 grade : Rank7+ (5 Elemental, Abyss Arma, Deus Machina)





> Other 
 - Fixed the issue that some costumes of ‘Meister Lorch’ and ‘Sorang’ do not show in the Costume Shop.
 - Fixed the issue that the Armure Diabolique armor can be worn at High Master rank.





 > System Maintenance
  - We will be performing general maintenance on our internal servers and system.





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Acc Clone Thứ N 5th years on Steam and this is what we get October 25 at 10:51PM

Val She not only this, don't forget about lovely IMC relation with botters, you can everyday buy cheap vis in facebook for some dollars October 26 at 10:58PM

Acc Clone Thứ N Faded Valeron's Blessing got bug, cant use anymore, now event weapons had been forced to use Valeron's Blessing October 28 at 1:17PM