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[UPDATE] Scheduled Maintenance for September 29, 2021


Sep 30th, 2021

Hello, imcGAMES here.

We would like to announce the details of the maintenance scheduled for September 29, 2021. Make sure to check below for the schedule and patch notes.




- [SGT] 13:00 to 17:30 (September 29, 2021)
- [EST] 00:00 to 04:30 (September 29, 2021)
- [CET] 06:00 to 10:30 (September 29, 2021)


Patch Notes


 > Lyndon Box now available for purchase! 
  - The Lyndon Box will be available at the in-game Cash Shop from the scheduled maintenance on September 29 to October 13.
  - You can check the details about the box and how to purchase it from the following LINK!

 > Letizia Feso Gift Box Special Rewards REMOVED
  - Letizia Feso Gift Boxes will now only provide the original rewards after this scheduled maintenance.





 > New Stance
  - Delfina / Royal Guard Delfina

 > Ferruccio Character Card Box, Collection Character Summon Stone
 - Ivy

 > Ferruccio Medal Summon Stone
  - Kitchen of Fire

> New Costumes are added in the Costume Shop.

Character Item Price
Delfina Delfina's Bandana
300,000 Feso
Royal Guard Delfina Vespanola Royal Guard Hat


> The following is about the Barrack Mode.
 - You can now move the character’s location in Barrack Mode.
 - You can change the order of the team by drag&drop.
 - Filtering will be added, allowing to filter according to the Weapon, Armor, Level, and Awakening.
 - The promotion and level status of the character will now be written beneath the character portrait.


 - Following icons will be marked for characters with each promotion status.

Veteran Expert Master High Master Grand Master


> World Cross PvP will be reorganized as follows.
-  Rating fluctuation calculation method will be partly adjusted.


Before Class After
Fluctuation range of every class is equal
Probation Knight
Equal to fluctuation range before
Lower Rank Knight
High Rank Knight
Royal Knight
Decreases to 70% of the fluctuation range before
Kingdom Knight
Empire Knight
Decreases to 40% of the fluctuation range before
Knight Captain


 - Information regarding World Cross PvP(Single- Fixed) Victory/Loss record, Class Point, Ranking, and Title will be reset. 
 * WcPvP will be changed to regular content, and the time will be changed.

Day Before After
Weekday (MON~FRI)
22:00 ~ 23:20
(80 minutes)
22:50 ~ 23:50
(60 minutes)
Weekend (SAT~SUN) 14:00 ~ 15:20
(80 minutes)


 * Points given for Victory/Loss will be changed.

Result Before After
Victory Point added 40 WcPvP Purchase Point given per round won
Lose Point deducted -
Participation - 20 WcPvP Purchase Point given for participating


 - Additional points will be given according to the class.

Class Point given per round won
~ Knight -
High Rank Knight 10 WcPvP Purchase Point
Royal Knight 15 WcPvP Purchase Point
Kingdom Knight 25 WcPvP Purchase Point
Empire Knight 50 WcPvP Purchase Point
Knight Captain 100 WcPvP Purchase Point


 * Effect of [World Cross PvP FEVER] buff and some skills will be changed/adjusted.

Before After
Attack per level +100% Attack per level +20%
Movement Speed per level +10% Movement Speed per level +15%
- Movement Speed Limit per level +10%
Penetration per level +10 Deleted
Buff maintains when the round is over Buff reset when the round is over


 * New stat is added in the WCPvP exclusive Weapon Costume.

Changed Target Added Stat
WCPvP Weapon Costume(All type) ATK against monster +10%
All Stat +1


 - New ‘WcPvP Purchase Point’ will be added.
 - [Contractor] Shop will be deleted.

 * New [WCPvP Supply Shop], [WCPvP Knight of Honor Shop], items will be added in the NPC ‘PvP Officer’. 
  - WCPvP Supply Shop

Item Purchase Limit Consumed Point
Shiny Crystal Box 15 150
Event Barrack Slot Licence 5 250
WcPvP Combat of Honor Box(new) 35 500
WcPvP Costume Box Summon Stone (Hair)(new) 1 20,000
WcPvP Costume Box Summon Stone (Costume)(new) 1 20,000
WcPvP Costume Box Summon Stone (Weapon)(new) 1 20,000
Event Soul Crystal 30 200
Enhanced Health-Generator 40


  - WCPvP Knight of Honor Shop (Kingdom Knight or above)

Item Purchase Limit Consumed Point
Shiny Crystal Box 15 125
Event Barrack Slot Licence 5 225
WcPvP Costume Box Summon Stone (Hair)(new) 1 18,000
WcPvP Costume Box Summon Stone (Costume)(new) 1 18,000
WcPvP Costume Box Summon Stone (Weapon)(new) 1 18,000
WcPvP Combat of Honor Box(new) 35 475
Event Soul Crystal 30 180
Event Melee Enhancement Ampule (1MCC) 10 250
Event Shooting Enhancement Ampule (1MCC) 10 250
Event Magic Enhancement Ampule(1MCC) 10 250


 * Combat of Honor Box will be added.

WcPvP Combat of Honor Box
Category Item Count
WP Character Costume
Higher Back Costume)
WcPvP Costume Box Summon Stone (Hair)
WcPvP Costume Box Summon Stone (Costume)
WcPvP Costume Box Summon Stone (Weapon)
Batu's Passion Appearance Coupon (Back)
War God's Patience Appearance Coupon (Back)
Back Costume
Batu's Fortitude Appearance Coupon (Back)
War God's Smile Appearance Coupon (Back)
Unique Artifact Ingredient
Broken Revenant Shoulder Blade
Broken Queeny Tula Leg
Broken Ziz Horn
Weapon/Artifact Ingredient
Symbol of Trust 1
Portunium 10
Camellianium 5
Shiny Solarion 5
Deus Core 1
Black Armonium Ore 10
Scale of Siren 10
Seed of Yggdrasil 10
Heart of Archangel 10
Other Potion
Event Enhancement Ampule Box (1MCC) 1
Event Principle Liquor 1
Event Steroid Liquor 1
Event Triumph Liquor 1
Event Enhanced Tribe Potion - Wildlife 3
Event Enhanced Tribe Potion - Lifeless 3
Event Enhanced Tribe Potion - Demon 3
Event Enhanced Tribe Potion - Undead 3
Event Enhanced Tribe Potion - Human 3

※ When you open 100 ‘Combat of Honor Box’, you can select 1 part of WCPvP Costume as a reward.
※ You can check the number opened and select the reward from the ‘PvP Officer’ at Reboldoeux and Auch.

 ※ 2 new costumes and ‘New Back Costume Appearance Coupon’ will be updated during October.


 * WCPvP combat balance will be adjusted as follows.
  - [All Stat increase] will be deleted from the Contractor Weapon, Armor, and Accessory.
  - Critical Damage decreases by 75% compared to before.
  - Maximum Movement Speed will be limited per stance type.

Stance Movement Speed Limit (Before) Movement Speed Limit (After)
Melee Stance
Shooting Stance 9
Magic Stance 10


 - Extra [Stat] increased proportionally will be adjusted.

Before After
Same as field PvP Decreases by 80% of extra [Stat] increased

(※ Ex; When the extra [Stat] increased is 100, only 20, 20% of the [Stat] is applied)


 - Damage of Skill and Basic Attack per each stance type will be adjusted as follows.

Melee & Mixed Stance Shooting Stance Magic Stance
Basic Attack Skill Attack Basic Attack Skill Attack Basic Attack Skill Attack
-10% -20% 0.25 0.125 -40% 0.2


 - Maximum HP increased when entering the World Cross PvP will be adjusted as follows.

Melee Stance Shooting & Mixed Stance Magic Stance
Before After Before After Before After
+20,000 maximum
+200% maximum +10,000 maximum +170% maximum +7000 maximum +160% maximum


 - Duration of immobilizing debuffs will be adjusted.

Adjusted Debuffs
[Stun] [Impact] [Hailbreak] [Chains of Restraint]
[Sleep] [Hold] [Ice Magic] [Paralytic Toxin]
[Web] [Paralysis] [Prophecy] [Nightmare]
[Reverse] [Silence] [Syrigmus] [Excido]
[Freeze] [Powerful Stun] [Control] [Burn]
[Petrify] [Freezing] [Love] [Scald]
[Spiderweb] [Deep Sleep] [Tease] [Burning Wave]
[Panic] [Gravitation] [Sand Storm] [Net]
[Frazil] [Entangle] [Root of Restriction] [Fear]
[Improved Curse] [Dark Fuegen] [Distraction] -


 - Effect of some stance skills will be changed as follows when entering World Cross PvP.

Character Skill Before After
Meister Lorch
<Share Flint> Increase Attack and Critical Damage Effect deleted
<Boulevard Pace> Knock back by 80% chance when attacking enemy with 50% HP or above Knock back by 33% chance when attacking enemy with 70% HP or above
Catherine Torsche
<Dance of Death>
Skill Cooldown 12 seconds Skill Cooldown 18 seconds
[Blockade] enemy by 80% chance [Blockade] enemy by 40% chance
<Power Slash> Skill Cooldown 15 seconds Skill Cooldown 24 seconds
Chloe <Oppression> Increase Attack, Increase Ice Penetration, damage against monster, and Attack in proportion to extra Intelligence Effect deleted
Sergeant Barrol <Shooting Promoted> Increase Critical Damage Effect deleted

 - Bonus points given to low winning rate will no longer be given.

> Name of the item ‘Custom Wing Exchange Coupon’ will be changed as follows.

Before After
Event Custom Wing Exchange Coupon (7 Days) Event Custom Wing Point Card - 30
Event Custom Wing Exchange Coupon (30 Days) Event Custom Wing Point Card - 100
Custom Wing Exchange Coupon (1 Day) Custom Wing Point Card - 10
Custom Wing Exchange Coupon (7 Days) Custom Wing Point Card - 30
Custom Wing Exchange Coupon (30 Days) Custom Wing Point Card - 100
Custom Wing Exchange Coupon (90 Days) Custom Wing Point Card - 300

- Custom Wing Point can no longer be obtained by drag and dropping in the ‘Costume Collection Chest’ NPC.
- Double-click the item in the Cash Item (Ctrl+F) - Expend tab to obtain the Custom Wing Point.


> The following is about the ‘Period Wing Exchange Coupon’ item. 
 - Wing item that can be exchanged with ‘Period Wing Exchange Coupon’ at NPC Costume Trader, Johanna’s ‘Period Back Costume’ shop will be deleted.
 - Item name of ‘Period Wing Exchange Coupon’ will be changed to ‘Custom Wing Point Card - 1’.
 - 1 Custom Wing Point will increase when double-clicking the ‘Period Wing Exchange Coupon’


> Item name of ‘Antarona's Smile’ will be changed to ‘Batu's Smile’.




 > Below are the information on the 'Rapier' 'Delfina/Royal Guard Delfina' uses:
  a. Ingredients required for crafting weapon is reduced by 50% (From 9/29 to 10/13)

   * Applied weapon grades:
    - 34 grade : Divine
    - 35 grade : Elite Constellation, Strata Devil
    - 36 grade : Elite Bristia, Armonia
    - 37 grade : Valeron
    - 38 grade : 5 Elemental, Abyss Arma, Deus Machina

  b. Drop rate increases in Rank Missions (From 9/29 to 10/13)
   - 35 grade : Rank4, Rank5 (Elite Constellation, Strata Devil)
   - 36 grade : Rank5 (Elite Bristia), Rank6 (Elite Bristia, Armonia)
   - 37 grade : Rank7 (Valeron)
   - 38 grade : Rank7+ (5 Elemental, Abyss Arma, Deus Machina)





> Graphic / UI
 - Fixed the issue that several areas are highlighted in the ‘Warp List(Ctrl+R)’.
 - Fixed the issue that the weapon location of ‘Chloe’ is awkward.
 - Fixed the issue that the icon image of the medal is misprinted when equipping some medals.


> Quest
 - Fixed the issue that some families could not proceed with the Orden scenario quest.


> Other
 - Fixed the issue that the ‘EXP Card’ and ‘Training Card’  registered in the consumable item slot (U, I, J, K, M, ,)’of character other than the leader can not be used.
 - Fixed the issue that the movement motion of some stance is faster in the city.
 - Fixed the issue that ‘Portus Defense Battle’ mission can not proceed normally in a certain situation.
 - Fixed the issue that some item information is miswritten in [Info Center(Ctrl+M)] - [Item] tab.




 > System Maintenance
  - We will be performing general maintenance on our internal servers and system.



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thai minh Still no action againts botter, although many ticket/report sent .. September 28 at 4:14PM

Dopkens Easy Game What good fellows, have collected a lot of money from the characters, and now let's make them useless sh*t September 29 at 8:38AM

Anh Long TOC bug, boss now no drop anything lol~ what the hell i burn my TOC run today ffk it September 29 at 5:40PM


Dopkens Easy Game Link to lindon's chests info page doesn't work ..... September 30 at 7:20AM