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2019 World Cross PvP Season End & Preseason


Jan 14th, 2020

Greetings, Pioneers!

We would like to announce an official end of World Cross PvP season and share the details about the preseason and season rewards. 



1. 2019 Season End

2019 World Cross PvP Season will end.

Upon the end of season, all 2019 World Cross PvP data will be reset.

- Reset Date: 22nd January 2020 on scheduled maintenance

- Data

  * World Cross PvP (Single, Team) Match results

  * World Cross PvP (Single, Team) Pts

  * World Cross PvP (Single, Team) Rankings

  * World Cross PvP Titles

  * World Cross PvP Character Winning Rate

※ Shop Points will remain.


2. 2019 Season Rewards


We have prepared gifts for the Families as a token of appreciation of participation in 2019 World Cross PvP.


[World Cross PvP Costumes]


2019 World Cross PvP Season Costumes for Sergeant Barrol and Charlotte will be added to the game.

[World Cross PvP Season End Costumes]



[World Cross PvP Season End Weapon Costumes]



[World Cross PvP Season End Wing Costume - Type A]


[World Cross PvP Season End Wing Costume - Type B]








(1051 ~ 1100 pts)

◎ 2019 World Cross PvP Season End Box

 Custom Wing Exchange Coupon x1: Batu's Fortitude Appearance Coupon

 Body Costume x2: Antarona's Smile, Antarona's Passion

 Hair Costume x2: Antarona - Sergeant Barrol, Antarona - Charlotte

 Weapon Costume x2: Batu's Insight, Batu's Smile

High Rank Knight
and above

(1101 ~ pts)

◎ Royal 2019 World Cross PvP Season Box

 Custom Wing Exchange Coupon x2: Batu's Fortitude Appearance Coupon,
                                                            Batu's Passion Appearance Coupon

 Body Costume x2: Antarona's Smile, Antarona's Passion

 Hair Costume x2: Antarona - Sergeant Barrol, Antarona - Charlotte

 Weapon Costume x2: Batu's Insight, Batu's Smile





High Rank Knight,
Kingdom Knight

(1101 ~ 1500 pts)

◎ 2019 World Cross PvP Season Box

 Custom Wing Exchange Coupon x1: Batu's Fortitude Appearance Coupon

 Body Costume x2: Antarona's Smile, Antarona's Passion

 Hair Costume x2: Antarona - Sergeant Barrol, Antarona - Charlotte

 Weapon Costume x2: Batu's Insight, Batu's Smile

Empire Knight
and above

(1501 ~ pts)

◎ Royal 2019 World Cross PvP Season Box

 Custom Wing Exchange Coupon x2: Batu's Fortitude Appearance Coupon,
                                                            Batu's Passion Appearance Coupon

 Body Costume x2: Antarona's Smile, Antarona's Passion

 Hair Costume x2: Antarona - Sergeant Barrol, Antarona - Charlotte

 Weapon Costume x2: Batu's Insight, Batu's Smile


3. 2020 Preseason

2020 World Cross PvP Preseason will begin and last for 3 months.

   - Match result, Pts, Rankings, and Title records for the preseason will be deleted upon 2020 Season Opening. 

   - Balance adjustments and new systems will be updated during the preseason.



4. Changes for 2020 Season

The dev team has looked into the data from 2019 World Cross PvP Season in many aspects and had discussions to offer better user experience in 2020 Season.



[Character balance Overhaul]

- Damage range, skill cooldown, size of skill target, and visual effects will be adjusted depending on each character’s traits and role.


[World Cross PvP Shop Revision]

- Items which made critical changes to combat results will be deleted. Items for character customization will be added.


[World Cross PvP Combat System Update]

- New combat content will be added.

- We are looking forward to introducing more gameplay modes for PvP other than ‘Annihilation’. We are currently working on multiple projects for Monster Expedition, Survival Battle, Point Control and more battle modes and will update you on another post during the preseason.


We will do our best to make World Cross PvP pleasurable and exciting more than ever.

Please feel free to share your opinions and suggestion.


Thank you.

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Saul Sulbaran I think if you guys want to really give some life to the pvp you should ban the entrace of 2 scouts or support chars on the same team, its ruinning the pvp playing with someone that only try to debuff you for the entire fight and has noob teams but as youre debuff and he invul cuz he can with 2 scouts and perma ress, then he can kill you in some point May 2 at 12:57PM